Saturday, December 6, 2008

budak form 5 hang out ;D

wahhh!today sgt2 la best.hahha.
hang out gn cousin2 lpak kt
smpai umh pon dah mlm.habis arh smua kna mrah gn bonda masing2.hahaha.
wat jhat msti arh sma2.bru cool.gahahhah..

Thursday, November 27, 2008

spm is over !

muka ceria aku apabila spm dah habis !!
bsok nk g kl ! yeaayy ! shopping !!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

aku colour rambut ouh

wahhhh..bestnya ari nehh.haha
aku gn mia colour rambut arhh.aduh
mum ckp mcm alex yg dlm madagascar tuh ciss.hahhaha
come on la.rambut aku pnya larh lawa.hahhaha
but this friday, me n my fmly is goin to kl.yeaahhh.
mum ada meeting.
urhh.pc aku osak agy arh.babi btol la pc tuh.mnja nk mampos.nseb baik hang mahal je.klau murah mmg lama dah aku jdikan hang tukun kt sg dpn nuh.hahahha. btw, aku ada teka-teki weihh.jwp tau.
urm.bntang apa yg kedekut ??? cpt2.pliss post ur comment to answer this question.yeah.haha

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

they who always by my side ;)

you're the friends i know i can act like a complete idiot with
and no matter what you will stand there laughing with me
you're the friends that i can get completely mad at
and then having you stand there with a funny face
completely ignoring the fact that i'm mad at you
and just burst out laughing
you're the friends that i can trust with everything
there isn't a thing in the world i would doubt
telling you about because i trust you with my whole heart
you're the friends that has been through rough times with me
and we still come out standing strong
you're the friends that i can burst out laughing
completely ignoring that evryone is looking at us
you're the friends that i would run if in trouble
you're the friends that has always tried to help me out
and well you know what ? you're the person that i consider my best friends
im kinda fucking love you

Sunday, November 9, 2008

spm bsok ! haha

spm dah nk, study pon dah xpe.bsok nk study agy.hehehe.guys ! wish me luck keyh..kpd mmber bie yg nk amik spm tuh pon gudluck ur best keyh.hehe.jgn lupe bie tau..bie xpnh lupe korng..bie sygg korng sgt2..jge dri tau..sorry la lme x update blog huduh neh.hehe..busy la nk spm.hehee...

go ! go ! chayok !

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

friends forever

kawan.hehe..smua orng suka berkwn.trmsok la aku..kwn yg aku mksudkn neh.kwn mcm kt atas neh bntu-mnbntu.hehehe..aku sygg dorang sgt2..kdng2, hidup xada dorng mmg, aku just need dorng lam hidup aku.friends forever keyh?;)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

hate this hair !

aku benci arh gn rmbut neh!hahahahhaha....
aku xkn wat dah rebonding! haha

selamat hari raya aidilfitri ;)

my rockstar !

neh makcik biela
die best gile!
die neh rockstar biela
biela sygg die ouhhh
die stay kt kl
yeahh! lpas spm biela lpak gn die arhh
makcik biela neh baik sgt..
die engineer.ade kete sndiri,umh sndiri.
aiya.biela nk jdi mcm die.
heeheh.die neh idola biela.hehehe
makcik! biela sygg makcik sgt2!

kazen paling sygg!haha

neh mieya!hahah
die baik,sweet,caring,bank biela kdng2,cute, n bla.bla.
add die kt myspace
mieya neh kazen biela pling rapat larhh
suka duka biela smua gn dia
biela wat jahat gn dia
wat baik gn dia
rumah biela sblah gn umh die je.haha
best ouh rpat gn die
die da ade die classmate aku.ahahha
aku yg knalkn die tuk si mmber aku tuhh.ikhmal nme die.hehe.dorng cple smpai sweet.hahha
mieya neh gila tau! die ske bt biela ouh.huhu.jahat gila.haha
mieya2! aku sygg ang sgt2 arh!

hidup biela! ;p

hey aku biela
aku rockstar mcm makcik aku.haha name penuh aku nurnabilla bt jasmi. anak dato' jasmi n datin rohana larh.hehe aku dilahirkn pd 16 november 1991 dibesarkn di negeri perlis indera kayangan skng, aku study kt alwi aku ska sgt hang out gn kwn2, dngar lagu hardcore n screamo.yeah!haha band harcore yg plng aku mnt is as i lay dying,the used,funeral for a friends,saosin,eyes set to kill,alesana,underoath,bring me the horizon,abandon all ships! n bla.bla.bla.[xingat dah] ^-^'
aku hrap sgt bpak aku bg camera photography kt aku.haha. seb aku sgt mmerluknnya.;p guys2!thn neh aku amik spm tau ssah arh nk ckp mcm mne trpakse larh amik hahhaa but, after spm aku nk lepak kl larh.hahha. guys! tnggu aku kt kl tau!.hahaha haa..! aku suke arh berkwn. aku mna da boyfriend. myb lpas spm bru nk brgiat kot lam bidang cple2 neh.hahha aku lbey suka brkwn dri cple yaa.bnyk orng ckp, study dlu bru cple kn2?haha. yaa.aku admit la, aku rndu bnget kt xbf, kwn2 aku always tmn aku ;'( so, snang arh kot nk lupe.haha urmm. stakat neh kot psl aku. ingin thu yg lbey lnjut sila knal aku dlu bru larh tau.haha
btw, jgn judge aku klau xknl aku. aku xkn brubah tuk spe2 coz aku ade hidup aku sndiri. biela is biela.yeah! bye!haha